I was honoured to deliver this presentation at
GDC 2012.
If you attended, thanks so much! This page contains some stuff you're looking for.
I will eventually put everything from that massive powerpoint deck here.
In the meantime, I offer this festival of scraps.
Questions? Compliments? Mischief? E-mail
Links & Thank-Yous
Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site
- Ira helped me with many presentation details - thanks Ira!
- massive site with lots and lots of TRS-80 information, start digging
Detailed History - how the TRS-80 started
The Software Search - great way to find what games exist, and basic game info
Scott Adams Adventures - emulators and ROMs
Matthew Reed's Emulator - TRS32
- Emulates games perfectly - including sound. Presentation impossible without this.
- Snapshot ability breathes new life into hard games
Can finally avoid restarting at the boring (Time Bandit, Outhouse, Gauntlet).
- Speedup ability makes slow turn based games faster
(Temple of Aphsai, Crush, Crumble & Chomp, Empire).
Matthew Reed's TRS-80 Information Site
- While not as comprehensive as Ira's, it's got some great information.
- The
interviews are amazing (left navigation)
- The
game reviews are great, even the comments!
- Legal game downloads from
Wayne Westmoreland & Terry Gilman!
George Phillips Emulator - trs80gp
- Supports less games, has less features than Matthew's but still VERY good
- Unlike TRS32, very easy to run basic programs (load and type run)
- Unlike TRS32, simulates the awful looking TRS-80 screen (scanlines)
- One of the reasons he wrote trs80gp was to explore "hidden"
higher resolution
Peter Phillips Emulator - Javascript trs80gp
- You can embed a TRS-80 on your web page!
- You can play games RIGHT NOW - Time Trek, Flying Saucers and Sea Dragon
- He ain't heavy, he's George's brother
Yves Lempereur
- Answered my interview questions - thanks Yves!
- You can legally download
All Funsoft/Yves Games! (bottom of page)
TRS-80 Emulator for Mac OS - he wrote it
Tim Mann
- Misosys went out of business, gave Tim permission to post their TRS-80 stuff
- You can legally download
Dancing Demon!
- You can legally download
Cornsoft games!